Petition to The Sovereign People of Ghana

Vote of No Confidence in the 1992 Constitution of Ghana

Vote of No Confidence in the 1992 Constitution of Ghana

4,117 Supporters

995,883 needed to reach 1,000,000

On 28th April 1992, the people of Ghana went to a referendum to adopt a new constitutional document. The Constitution was supposed to provide a rebirth for a beaten and tired nation. It was supposed to be a celebration of our resilience as a people and our commitment to building a democratic society. The document carried the Hopes and Aspirations of a people who had a sense of belief. A belief that the new Constitution will offer Justice. A belief that the New Document will set Ghana on the rails for shared prosperity, liberation and true democracy. A belief that abuse of power, corruption, inequality and immoral elite politics will give way to freedom! Nearly 30 years on; those dreams have remained still born. The Constitution has failed in its assumptions and in its design. It has become the most prominent face of a Republic that has entrenched vile corruption; institutional disregard for Ghanaian lives; human right abuses; and economic exclusion. Its provisions have been instrumentalized to shield immorality and provide immunity for the corruption of a decrepit political class. Its ethos has been infested with greed, inhumanity and criminal insensitivity. Over the past few months, #FixTheCountry has created a platform that has mobilized Ghanaian civic conscience to reclaim our society; and to build a new path that leads to justice. We are asking questions that show the depth of the Republic's moral corruption. In a society where all civic institutions and administrative bodies have been corrupted from within by the political class and its enablers and corrupt appendages; #FixTheCountry is mobilizing citizens to become the last piece of resistance. We are demanding a new society founded on justice. We are refusing to play by the rules of a political class that is so disinterested in the Ghana project. We are asking for a reset in the direction and the assumptions that pervasive immorality thrives on in our body politic. For Ghana to work, we will need to reset to rebuild! For our democracy to work again and to deliver on its promises, we must urgently redesign the rules of engagement based on what past experiences have thought us. We need a Constitution for a New Generation that understands the urgency of justice.

4,117 Supporters

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Letter to
The Sovereign People of Ghana

New Constitution For A New Generation is on the Horizon! Believe Citizen, Believe!!


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Started this petition 3 years ago



We don’t need superman to tell us we do need to change the construction


I feel there are a lot of articles in the 1992 constitution that is irrelevant as at now. So a new constitution which will serve the interests of the people of this our lovely country must be published.


1. The citizens must select their leaders and the leaders must be accountable to the citizens. 2. As of now it is a few people in a group with common but selfish interest who select our leaders and politicians decide what they want to do but not what the people actually need or want. 3. The wisdom of God does not reside in few people with ‘grey’ hairs. 4. Wisdom is not by ‘grey’ but by brain 🧠 5. New constitution now! #WISDOMCRACY.


I feel there are too many loopholes that enables politicians to steal our monies as a nation, I believe the only way for our Ghanaian system to change for the better ,is for a new strong constitution that protects the public purse and ensures the best of leadership for the people Issaak Nutifafa


Change needs to be applied everywhere, starting from the constitution.


Because i want a better Ghana for myself and up coming generations


I want a better ghana


I am signing because the constitution needs to be amended


I am signing because i want a better Ghana


I am signing because I believe that the current constitution is not fit for purpose. We need a new one to help achieve the aspirations of the ordinary Ghanaian.

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4,117 Supporters
995,883 needed to reach 1,000,000
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