Category: Media
Media January 17, 2022

#FixTheCountry organisers disappointed after protestors were denied access to parliament

Organisers of the #FixTheCountry protest against aspects of the 2022 budget have said they are disappointed in the Police for not allowing all the protestors entry into the premises of ... more

Media January 17, 2022

Youth and gender activism in Ghana’s democracy – #FixtheCountry – SweDev

The event aims to explore the role of activism in relation to Ghana as a democracy and discuss what spaces youth and women take up when seeking to hold shifting ... more

FixTheCountry April 12, 2022

Full Text of First Public Address by Oliver Barker-Vormawor(Convenor of #FixTheCountry), following his arrest and subsequent charge for Treason Felony

My fellow citizens; civic-minded people of our democracy; and colleague activists, whose hearts refused to abandon the promise of justice, as many of you are aware on Friday 11 February ... more

Advocate Posts March 9, 2023

The Change Is Us.

Voices are getting louder and louder, Those voices that have always been meaningful Even when no one heard or cared about them Those voices that tear the moon, sun, stars— The sky screams for ... more